First World Problems - My Hair is a Pain in the Ass

~ I've noticed that my hair has become...well...more difficult than normal. I think I am going through one of those 7-year shifts people talk about, how your body changes. Over the course of the past year or so, my hair has gone from a constant state of desert dry and frizzy to being a stringy mess. Oily roots, dull color, and ends so dry they make me fantasize about using some sort of wrinkle filler cream or getting collagen injections for my hair.

Things I have done, attempting to reclaim the health of my hair: 
- Regular home trims (yes, I know - but with professional stylist scissors and just trimming the ends).
- Skipping washes for the whole "natural oil production" thing.
- Washing every single day. 
- Not brushing but using only a wide-tooth comb.
- Avoiding all products.
- Using products to add softness and moisture.
- Blow drying an average of 3-4 times a week.
- Avoiding the blow dryer (and all heat tools) completely.
- I did use a Tbsp. of baking soda once and it made a lovely shampoo, but then I read contradictory reports (some say it's the best no-poo ever and other reports say it rips the cuticle apart and shouldn't be used regularly, so...*shrug.)

(Some) of the products I have used in my attempt to find a nice balance:
- Shampoo & Conditioner in 1 products
Dove (various combinations; color care shampoo with intensive repair conditioner, etc.) 
- Nearly every line of Herbal Essences in existence. (Incidentally, the Touchably Smooth line worked fantastically - too bad I am wicked allergic to the scent and it gives me migraines. 
- Various formulas of Loreal Ever Whatever  and the problem with those is also perfume sensitivity that causes migraines. 
Yes to Carrots Nourishing Shampoo & Pampering Conditioner (which might've been a contender if it wasn't for the fact that Dear God, getting the conditioner out of the bottle requires superhuman strength. 
Yes to Carrots Scalp Relief - The shampoo is nice but too drying for every day and the conditioner is nowhere near strong enough.
Burt's Bees Super Shiny Collection - Meh. 
Nature's Gate - Too drying.

Does anyone else out there struggle with problematically combination or stringy hair? What do you guys use? What do you love and what do you loathe?

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